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Thursday, December 29, 2005 

This year in pictures

asian tsunami
asian tsunami

1 year old mourns a fallen father
1 year old mourns the death of his fallen father

weeping gaza setteler
israeli settler weeps as she is deported

blind dog frolics in the snow
blind dog frolics in this years extra snow

rosa parks
the death of rosa parks

goose wanders in the remains of katrina
goose wanders around desperately in its search for weed in the remains of new orleans

the late pope john paul II
the death of pope john paul II

hurricane katrina
people crowd around a hotel in new orleans

iraq tank
a british soldier catches fire and jumps off a tank in iraq

iraq bomb
bomb explodes in iraq

gas prices
soaring gas prices (yes, the rain is going up somehow)

iraqi protestors
iraqi civilians protest us inhabitance

face transplant
woman is soo ugly that normal plastic surgery won't do...

dust storm
allah sends a dust storm to us soldiers

discovery launch
first shuttle launch after the columbia disaster

chinese baby in a basket
buy basket, and chubby chinese baby come free!

katrina now and then
new orleans then and now

london subway bombings
aftermath of the london subway bombings

kanye west
bush doesn't care about black people!

this is a growing post. submit your "picture of the year" entries to:


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