Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hopefully you got what you wanted and are enjoying yourself on this fine day. Funny isn't it -- more than a month of running around frantically (see preparation), throwing away money (see shopping), and watching your mouth to make sure you don't accidentally say Merry Christmas (see idiotic) -- all for one day of the year. Well I suppose it's worth it. That is, if you're the Chinese worker putting together an iPod for some American or the Saudi worker pumping oil so that another some other American can go buy his/her iPod. It seems like everything we do helps the world economy. It's kind of retarded, because if you think about it, all of the terrorists trying to blow up America won't get a penny from their precious oil if there's no America left to buy it from them. They hate us, but they need us at the same time. But sadly enough, I think we need them more than they need us. If you think about it, that would be an incredibly effective terrorist attack. If the Middle East all of a sudden severed ties with the United States and refused to sell us any oil or agreed to sell it to us, but only at exorbitant prices, we would be brought down to our knees. Sure, we could turn to Alaska but how long is Alaska going to last? We can't rely on Alaska alone. And besides, we'd be destroying whatever little wilderness we have.
Moral of the story: Count your blessings and be prepared to screw over all of the grizzlies.
Moral of the story: Count your blessings and be prepared to screw over all of the grizzlies.