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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 

....the holy leaf!

Investigators described a marijuana-growing operation discovered inside a cave in Trousdale County as something out of a James Bond movie.

"It's pretty amazing what they had under there - water for irrigation, special lighting, devices to keep the humidity just right. These guys were professionals. They knew what they were doing," said District Attorney General Tommy Thompson of Hartsville.

The cave was beneath a stylish A-frame home where authorities say three men were able to grow as much as 100 pounds of marijuana every eight weeks.

"They could grow in 60 days what it would take four and a half months to grow outside," Thompson said. "It's just unbelievable what they've done. It's like something out of a James Bond movie."
Holy shit man! ONE HUNDRED POUNDS of marajuana??? That's like a dream come true! (DETAILS)


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