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Thursday, December 15, 2005 


What is it with the people who go beserk if you wish them a Merry Christmas? Since when does there have to be a "politically correct" way of greeting someone in terms of the current holiday or season? If I am a Christian, I damned well have every right to wish someone a Merry Christmas. And for that matter, Jews can say Happy Hanukkah and people of African descent can say Happy Kwanzaa. Hindus can say Happy Diwali and Muslims can say Happy Ramadan. And nobody else should be able to stop them. People are getting upset, especially when big political figures say something like Merry Christmas. Well all of those people really need to grow up. By saying Merry Christmas, is the person imposing his or her religion upon you? Are you being forced to worship Jesus now? Does it kill you for somebody else to rejoice over their religion? No, it doesn't. All of the uproar is downright idiotic. People are just making a show. Oh, well why does the White House have a Christmas tree, but not a menorah? OUR PRESIDENT IS A CHRISTIAN DUMBASS!!! IF IT REALLY ANNOYS YOU THAT BAD, VOTE FOR JOE LIEBERMAN NEXT TIME! And I hope it doesn't sound like I'm saying that Jews are complaining about Christmas, because I'm really not. The truth is, that in reality, just about everyone is getting pissed at everyone else. This includes people of the same religion bitching when the other person says something.

All I know is that there is no way I'm going to start wishing people a Merry Chrishaunawanza...


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