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Tuesday, December 06, 2005 


Good ol' Fidel Castro from down south called Govenor Jeb Bush President Bush's "fat little brother in Florida."

Jeb decided to respond with sarcasm and really told-off Castro.

"I'm flattered and honored. I will take any criticism from Fidel Castro, of all people, as an honor given the fact that, you know, 8 million people, I believe, live on the island, 8 million people are repressed and they've been that way for 40 or 50 years," Jeb said, "To be criticized by a man like that who has repressed people for such an extended period of time is a high honor. He can call me whatever he wants."

Castro then insisted that his comment was only intended as constructive criticism.

"Forgive me for using the term 'fat little brother," Castro said, "It is not a criticism, rather a suggestion that he do some exercises and go on a diet, don't you think? I'm doing this for the gentleman's health."

All I can say is: Wow...


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