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Monday, February 06, 2006 

HOLY F**K THAT'S FUNNY!!™ Ticker jacks up?

Although I've heard really positive feedback about the ticker, I've also heard a few complaints regarding the ticker and its use of system resources. Apparently, since I added on the ticker, people's computers tend to slow down somewhat when viewing the site. When I tested it myself, indeed, the CPU usage of Firefox skyrocketed. However, the only real-world difference I noticed was that my fans speeded up. In other words, it wasn't a difference big enough to cause me to take the code out. However, I'm not sure how exactly this is affecting your computers. If you have been experiencing this too, please let me know. The ticker itself is just some simple javascript code, so I wouldn't have thought of it as a system hog, but obviously I was wrong. Let me know: worsethanyouthink@gmail.com


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