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Tuesday, November 15, 2005 


Please note that due to the intensity of the content being displayed here, cursing is occasionally necessary. The sole purpose of this blog is to keep you informed about current events and politics, and due to the severity of the condition of our current administration, I can by no means guarantee a G-rated post. So if you're afraid of big, scary words like shit and damn, get the hell out of here. Personally, I think the content here is appropriate for anybody with more maturity than a 5 year old. But that is often far from the case (even when the readers are 40+), so read anything here at your own discretion. I ONLY show the truth, but the truth may be hard for Dubya lovers to handle, so they should follow suit with those severely lacking intelligence (a true Dubya lover won't be able to pass the first cut anyways). What the hell am I blabbering about? Well anyways, make your best attempt to enjoy and spread the word if you deem it necessary.

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